Often times, after professionals learn about Winning With Customers, the most common interests are: How do you do this? How do you get started? What do you do?
There is really no way to answer these questions during a brief conversation. The goal with this book is to give every business professional who is interested in using more outside-in customer knowledge in the management of their business a place to get information. This book is primarily a how-to guide. Sure, it touches on the theory and concepts behind approaches here and there, but, the thrust of the discussion will not be so much about convincing you of the theory as much as it will provide examples, discuss methods, allow you to participate in exercises, and review business cases from others who have experienced success.

The book is written for all leaders in a business to business company. One of the lessons learned over the years is that including all functions in an organization to Win With Customers improves the chances for success. This includes...
Executives who would like to be more confident that your company’s investment decisions will actually create value for your customers and your company.
Sales professionals who would like to have your customer heard by your company, and want to sell products and services that are truly differentiated in the market.
Marketers who would like to hear your organization’s value proposition communicated by the sales force on a consistent basis, achieve alignment with sales on key customer needs, and develop communication that is used proficiently by the sales force in their selling efforts.
Product Development or R&D leaders who would like to improve the connection between your development efforts and the operational and financial success of your customers, short circuiting the process from idea to product development to successful launch.
Other leaders, such as Manufacturing, Customer Service or Logistics who would like to create a direct connection with customers to improve and measure the value created for your customers.

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