Winning with Customers and the CVC Value Management system directly address the CEO’s #1 priority which is to drive profitable growth. CEO’s are looking for pragmatic solutions based on real world best practice experience – this is exactly what Pigues and Alderman deliver in this research work. This book is a must read.
David Frigstad
Frost & Sullivan

This book captures the invaluable lessons learned from a nearly decade long journey focused on perfecting the business science of creating value for customers in the so-called business-to-business (“B2B”) segment of commerce. Keith and Jerry have clearly arrived at an important destination. Not only has the customer value creation (“CVC”) science been significantly advanced, it has been proven by real world application is numerous B2B settings. This book provides a deep insight into the discoveries that can help you win with your customers and ultimately increase the value of your business.
Glenn Dalhart
Retired Partner
Ernst & Young Management Consulting

The approaches in this book have made a difference in our business. Winning with Customers has brought new life and energy to our selling approach.
Denis John Healy
Turtle Wax

Keith is one of the people I turn to when I need to learn something about smart marketing! Keith and Jerry's book, Winning with Customers, is picture perfect!!!
Jeffrey Hayzlett

This book provides great insights on how to win with customers. It is particularly relevant for B2B companies differentiating with technology, quality and cost leadership in a highly competitive and innovative industry such as automotive.
Alex Ismail
President and CEO
Honeywell Transportation Systems

Pigues and Alderman have made an important contribution to the discussion about customer profitability. Any business person will find ideas that are both valuable and practical in the book. It is worth reading.
James W. Dean, Jr.
UNC’s Kenan-Flagler Business School

As Chief Learning Officer I am always on the lookout for breakthrough thinking and practical approaches that can differentiate our sales, marketing and leadership efforts. Jerry and Keith’s innovative approach quantifies the impact your product or service has on the customer's bottom line. The insight learned can help companies create a stronger value proposition, greater customer satisfaction and greater profitability.
Robert T. Cancalosi
Chief Learning Officer
GE Healthcare

The reasons we win and lose business are clearly captured in Winning with Customers and they serve as reminders to us to keep our customers in focus at all times. We rely on systems and repeatable processes – these are at the center of the CVC model.
Joe Lawler
Chairman, President and CEO
ModusLink Global Solutions, Inc.

Finally a business book that focuses unwaveringly on the foremost goal in the provision of B&B solutions: helping your customers make more money. Pigues and Alderman provide a practical approach to increasing your company’s capability to win this decisive battle over competitors.
Jeneanne Rae
BusinessWeek Columnist
Peer Insight LLC

Pigues and Alderman have addressed a key business growth issue -- how to create measurable competitive advantage and get paid for it. A provocative read for today's business leaders.
Eileen Zicchino
Chief Marketing Officer
J.P. Morgan Treasury Services

Pigues and Alderman ask a simple, but very powerful question: “Are your customers making more money doing business with you?” if you are not sure, then you must read what is within these covers. This is a must read for success-minded business executives.
Barry B. Siadat
Managing Director
SK Capital Partners

Pigues and Alderman have written a readable and practical guide to capturing the ‘value’ in your B2B ‘value proposition’. I wish that I had had their book 15 years ago!
Michael Allen
Board Member
World Color Press

Utilizing the approach outlined in Winning with Customers will move your business from one that is based on the ‘best deal’ or ‘lowest price’ to one that is fully aligned, metrics based, with mutual creation of value for both you and your customer.
Randy Marcuson
CEO (Retired)
Winning with Customers cuts through all the fog and shows you how to deliver and then measure your value to the customer. Winning with Customers is a road map for creating indestructible customer loyalty and increasing sales.
David Pitts
President and Founder
Classic Graphics
Pigues and Alderman have really struck dead center. In business today, B2B strategies often end up being developed like consumer market strategies, taking the focus off the true need of the business customer – their profits. This ‘play book’ will help develop customer relationships, where you are as knowledgeable about what drives your customer’s growth and profit as you are about your own – a sure recipe for growth.
Steve Brozovich, PHD
Business Strategy Advisor
Snap On Incorporated
In too many business texts, the idea of customer focus simply doesn’t extend beyond platitudes. Winning with Customers teaches a rigorous, methodology around which the entire organization can align, making its approach real, practical, and quantifiable.
Donald M. DeLauder
Executive Director, Corporate Innovation
CVC is a comprehensive approach that lays out a measurable plan to maximize customer value and build a sustainable advantage in any B2B market you serve. The approach Pigues and Alderman have laid out is fresh, practical, relevant and actionable…and will be a part of every strategy I implement in the future!
Blair Schrum
ZC Sterling Corporation
Winning with Customers is a powerful, refreshing reminder to all that it’s not about what you have to sell but rather who you are selling it to and the metrics to validate the value they’re getting from it.
Cos Malozzi
Gibbs & Soell
The authors' breakthrough contribution to the field of Management is an exciting new method ("CVC") that enables companies to impact customer value with rigorous, scientific precision.
Steven Fabry
CEO and Founder
Compendia Exchange
The CVC Management System is a game changing approach to developing a business growth strategy. Our work with Alderman and Pigues resulted in a deeper understanding of our customers. Winning with Customers is an impressive "how to" guide for business leaders to move the concept into action. This is a must read.
Sue Sears
President, Global Market Development
Kimberly-Clark Professional
With this ground-breaking book and the CVC Management System, Pigues and Alderman provide a playbook to articulate, quantify and certify the impact of differentiated value on sales – relevant for CEOs and their customers. A must have!
Navdeep Sodhi
Managing Director
Six Sigma Pricing
Author of Six Sigma Pricing
Winning with Customers and the CVC Management System represent the most significant breakthrough in managing profitable customer relationships in decades. It is a must for every B2B business to consider.
Patrick Farrey
Executive Director
Business Marketing Association
Winning with Customers stands out above the clutter. Pigues and Alderman’s insights on understanding your customers’ perspectives and showing what's possible through specific examples and quantitative results helps you move from lip service about winning with your customers to measurable success. A must read.
Pete Krainik
Founder and CEO
Pigues and Alderman have developed a transformational pathway to sustained profit growth. Their Playbook is a must have tool for all businesses small and large.
Tony Rome
President and CEO
Maven Strategies
Jerry, Keith and the team have created one of the first systems I have found that truly allows us to learn what our customer values and use that information in the daily operation of the business, from investments to sales planning and execution. The logic of what they have done is flawless and brilliant. What is even more powerful is that it is all based on an approach that creates tools and capability which will generate benefit for our customers and our company for years to come.
Karel Czanderna
Group President, Building Materials
Owens Corning

A refreshing, new way for evaluating business success: How are our ‘customers’ doing? Unfortunately, few organizations take this vital measurement. Pigues and Alderman provide a thorough and clear game plan for creating a truly customer-centric company.
Ellis Booker
BtoB Magazine
Pigues and Alderman have delivered a ground-breaking piece of work that Chief Marketing Officers and the other members of the c-suite will find of value as they chart the course for profitable top-line growth. Best of all, their guidance on implementation, results in a valuable ‘how to’ manual for companies to win.
William L. Koleszar
The Chief Marketing Officer Journal

In this powerful and practical work, built on the work of two recognized and proven thought leaders, marketers will find a trove of new ideas, powerful tools, and new answers they need to grow profitably in the markets of the coming decade.
Ralph A. Oliva
Executive Director
Institute for the Study of Business Markets
The book’s cover says it all – Do your customers make more money doing business with you? If you cannot answer in the affirmative, or simply don’t know, what are you waiting for? The authors lay out a practical and very accessible game plan to help you and your customers ‘win’ and achieve profitable and sustainable growth in the B2B marketplace.
Richard Ettenson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Thelma H. Kieckhefer Fellow
Thunderbird School of Global Management
As an academic/business consultant who has toiled in the B2B marketing field for 30 + years, it is unusual to find a no-nonsense, practical guide to winning with customers. Their guide to create value for customers will benefit both the novice and experienced manager develop and execute marketing programs that meet customer needs, make money for both them and their customers, and will result in a stickier relationship with their customer base. This book should be on every marketing executive’s must read list.
Robert Spekman, Ph.D.
Tayloe Murphy Professor of Business Administration
University of Virginia - Darden School
Pigues and Alderman offer an extremely insightful and practical book that shares valuable real company experiences, while providing proven integrated frameworks for creating and capturing value. This is a must for executives who want to create competitive advantage by building stronger more profitable customer relationships.
David Hopkins
Managing Director
Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
Winning with Customers provides a clear pathway for sustainable profitable growth for B2B businesses. The CVC Management System will help management teams align and focus their energy and resources toward creating greater customer value and thereby increasing the value of the B2B business.
Mark L. Frigo
DePaul University Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation
Author of DRIVEN: Business Strategy, Human Actions and the Creation of Wealth

Pigues and Alderman have developed a jewel. Winning with Customers and the CVC concept is a powerful approach to differentiate yourself in a highly competitive marketplace. This is a valuable tool that will help us as investors in the middle market.
Jeffrey A. Dombcik
Managing Director
Triangle Capital Corporation
As a B2B bank, we are always looking for ways to differentiate ourselves from the competition. The CVC approach to winning with customers shows us how to do just that. The authors brilliantly lay out a unique management system that is rigorous, quantitative and easily implementable, while affordable -- allowing businesses like ours to build this critical capability in-house, without a team of consultants.
Eddie Blount
Executive Vice President
KeySource Commercial Bank
Our life is built upon and made richer by the depth and sincerity of our relationships. So are our businesses. Yet, our customer relationships are often transactional and tactical versus strategic and collaborative. Pigues and Alderman make the case, in Winning with Customers, that if we are deliberate, thoughtful and quantitative in our customer dialogue then our customers can make more money and we can too – and have deeper, more sustainable relationships to show for it. This book won’t make it to my bookshelf; it will stay within arm’s reach where other worn reference materials reside.
H. Beecher Hicks III
Red Clay Capital Holdings, LLC
Winning with Customers puts the focus on the single most important value to any business…the customer. This concept reminds us that the reason any company is in business is to successfully serve the customer. The ability to leverage outside-in-thinking consistently keeps the focus on the customer which translates into sales, profits, and increased customer value. The opportunity to systematically leverage the analysis of customer input is a transforming idea that today’s leaders need to take advantage of.
Richard E. Stewart
President of Investment Banking
Galen Capital Corporation
As a private equity investor, I am always looking for ways to grow and enhance profitable customer relationships with our respective portfolio companies. “Winning with Customers” will be a great tool to use as a value creator for each company we acquire. Understanding “why we win” provides a guide to learn how to create meaningful and profitable relationships with vendors and customers alike. Pigues and Alderman’s real-world experience provides the context that distinguishes this book from the typical “academic” marketing/customer relationship book.
Kelvin Walker
21st Century Group, LLC